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LTI 20-20 TruSpeed LR
TruSpeed LR
The TruSpeed LR model offers the same functionality as the LTI 20/20 TruSpeed but with one difference -- it has an extended range of up to 4,000 feet and anti-jam firmware. Offers pinpoint, single-vehicle targeting in multilane traffic and is impervious to lidar and radar detectors. Comes standard with a shoulder mount and runs on 2 C-cell batteries.
Key Features of the TruSpeed LR include:
Six icon-based buttons for ease of operation
Shoot through light rain or snow with the one-button weather mode
Removable shoulder rest enhances aiming stability
Extended range (4,000 ft.) and anti-jam firmware
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: 320 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 610 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruSpeed S / Sx
TruSpeed S
The TruSpeed S model offers pinpoint, single-vehicle targeting in multilane traffic and is one of the most compact and affordable laser speed devices in the world. Comes standard with a carrying case, neck strap, eyepiece cover, and 2 CR 123A Batteries.
Key Features of the TruSpeed S include:
In-scope data display with 7x magnification
Clearly see in all lighting conditions
All-weather proof & rugged exterior
TruSpeed Sx
The TruSpeed Sx speed measurement and mapping laser offers the same ruggedized, waterproof case and features as the TruSpeed S but has the addition of a built-in tilt sensor, giving the laser the ability to measure both horizontal and vertical distance for crash scene mapping. Comes standard with a carrying case, neck strap, eyepiece cover, and 2 CR 123A Batteries.
Key Features of the TruSpeed Sx include:
Measures speed, slope distance and the degree of inclination
Offers 7X crystal-clear optics with in-scope data display
Clearly see in all lighting conditions
All-weather proof
Rugged exterior housing with tactile grips
Built-in tilt sensor
Illuminated scope for easy nighttime mapping
Integrates with LTI’s QuickMap® 3D field software
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: ± 322 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 610 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruSpeed Sxb with Bluetooth
TruSpeed Sxb with Bluetooth®
The TruSpeed Sxb speed measurement and mapping laser, now with iOS and Android compatible Bluetooth, syncs with a smartphone app to capture and store a picture of the vehicle.
LTI’s LaserSoft SpeedCapture App collects the time, speed and distance data as well as the option to input vehicle and violation information. It embeds all this data within the photo and can either be saved to your camera roll for texting and emailing or the whole data log can be downloaded onto a PC.
The TruSpeed Sxb laser also measures distance and the degree of inclination for crash scene mapping.
The TruSpeed Sxb with Bluetooth bracket packages come with everything needed to attach a smartphone or iPad to the laser.
Key Features of the TruSpeed Sxb with Bluetooth include:
Dual speed and survey laser
Syncs with LaserSoft™ SpeedCapture app
Rugged exterior with tactile grips
Simple operation
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: ± 322 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 610 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruSpeed Se
TruSpeed Se
The TruSpeed Se possesses state-of-the-art technology, has a rugged exterior and offers unmatched value for the price. The Se can work independently with off the shelf batteries for speed enforcement or draw power from the PicoDigiCam® for a complete photo/video enforcement system.
Key Features of the TruSpeed Se include:
Seamlessly integrates with PicoDigiCam
Able to accept battery power from external sources
Rugged exterior with tactile grips
In-scope data and menu display
Speed limit edit function with audible recognition -
(for countries where applicable)
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: 320 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 610 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 Ultralyte 100 LR
Part No 7004627
Includes: Red-dot scope with in-scope display of speed and range, Carrying Case, RS232 serial port, shoulder rest, (2) C cell alkaline batteries and an operator’s manual |
Rugged, waterproof long range speed measurement device with firmware for simultaneous speed and range measurements. This model offers a fully programmable menu option. |
GreiÄio matavimo ribos ± 320 km/val; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 1000 m; |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 UltraLyte 100 / LR / LR with DBC
UltraLyte 100 / LR / LR with DBC
The UltraLyte 100 model is one of the first models ever developed and is currently the only approved laser speed device in some countries. The UltraLyte 100 offers fully programmable menu options, such as:
Changing the power off timing
Toggling between continuous mode and single shot
Adjusting a short and long gate for measuring speeds within a predetermined range
Displaying the time and distance values after a DBC measurement *
The UltraLyte 100 LR model offers extended range and is currently the only laser speed device that can be upgraded with DBC technology. This enables you to measure speeds and calculate the time and distance between 2 following vehicles, while the LR with DBC model comes standard with DBC technology.
* LR with DBC models only.
0,00LT |
UltraLyte 200 / LR
The UltraLyte 200 model measures speed and includes a tilt sensor, giving the laser the ability to measure horizontal distances and height values for crash/crime scene mapping. It offers fully programmable menu options, such as:
Toggling between speed and survey modes
Changing the power off timing
Adjusting a short and long gate for measuring speeds and distances within a predetermined range
The 200 LR model offers an extended range for measuring speed. See the Models tab for further details.
GreiÄio matavimo ribos ± 320 km/val; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 1000 m; |
0,00LT |
GreiÄio matavimo ribos ± 320 km/val; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 1000 m; |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 PicoDigiCam GreiÄio matavimo prietaisas, dirbantis kartu su TruSpeed S, Se, Sx, Sxb, TruSpeed, UltraLyte
PicoDigiCam Overview
The PicoDigiCam sets the bar for capturing the most clear and vivid videos and license plate images at longer ranges. Turn any LTI laser speed device into a complete speed enforcement system that captures violation data on an SD card and even allows you to sync with communication devices.
Key Features of the PicoDigiCam:
Capable of storing up to 10,000 images (on a 32 GB SD card)
Captures GPS data for additional evidence of your location
Adapts to any C-mount manual focus lens for even better results at longer ranges
Ideal for fixed installation systems
Transfers data through Ethernet cable for remote monitoring and data access at a central office
0,00LT |
Although the TruCAM® is capable of capturing images at night, the TruFlash provides clear, illuminated and fully recognizable images of violator's license plate. The unit even connects to the TruCAM without wires with LTI's IR Link kit.
After you set up the TruFlash, toggle the TruCAM into Night Mode and a d d the camera lens filter to block headlight glare. This system produces black-and-white images with all the relevant violation data you'll need.
0,00LT |
The LTI TruCapture is the first of its kind laser sensor
that accurately captures enforceable speed readings at
close proximities.
Now system integrators can build a complete
traffic enforcement solution with all the necessary
components located in the same enclosure.
0,00LT |
Lazeriniai greiÄio matavimo prietaisai
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruCAM
TruCAM yra viskas viename – skaitmeninÄ— vaizdo kamera/ lazerinis greiÄio ir atstumo matuoklis. Prietaisas ne tik matuoja greitį, jis gali nufilmuoti ir atvaizduoti automobilių greiÄius .
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: ±320 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 1200 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruSpeed
The TruSpeed model offers pinpoint, single-vehicle targeting in multilane traffic and is impervious to lidar and radar detectors. Comes standard with a shoulder mount and runs on 2 C-cell batteries.
Key Features of the LTI 20-20 TruSpeed include:
Six icon-based buttons for ease of operation
Shoot through light rain or snow with the one-button weather mode
Removable shoulder rest enhances aiming stability
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: ±322 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 650 m |
0,00LT |
LTI 20-20 TruSpeed DC
TruSpeed DC
The TruSpeed DC version stores all the speed data internally, allowing you to download and archive all your speed measurement data. Offers pinpoint, single-vehicle targeting in multilane traffic and is impervious to lidar and radar detectors. Comes standard with a shoulder mount and runs on 2 C-cell batteries.
Key Features of the TruSpeed DC include:
Icon keypad for easy operation
Adjust the brightness level on the heads-up display for maximum visibility
Enhance aiming stability with the removable shoulder rest
One-button weather mode
Real-time internal clock
Stores up to 6,000 records
GreiÄio matavimo ribos: 320 km/h; GreiÄio matavimo paklaida: 2 km/h; Matavimo atstumas - ne mažiau 915 m |
0,00LT |
Aviga produktų sąrašas:
- Analizatoriai
- Anatomijos skyriaus įranga
- Aplinkos parametrų patalpų viduje ir išorėje matavimo prietaisai
- Atliekos. Patalpų valymo reikmenys. Utilizavimas
- BaktericidinÄ—s lempos. Oro sterilizavimas, dezinfikavimas, valymas ir drÄ—kinimas
- Centrifugos
- Dangų ir storio matavimo prietaisai
- Distiliatoriai. Vandens valymas
- Dozatoriai ir pipetÄ—s
- DrÄ—gmÄ—s matavimo prietaisai
- Dujų matavimo prietaisai ir degikliai
- Elektrinių ir magnetinių parametrų matavimo prietaisai
- Endoskopai pramoniniai
- Farmacija. Įranga ir baldai farmacijos, medicinos pramonei ir vaistinėms
- Fizinių dydžių matavimo prietaisai (atstumo, ploto, tūrio, jėgos, tankio, sukimo momento ir kt.)
- GreiÄio matavimo prietaisai
- Inkubatoriai - Termostatai
- Kalibravimo ir kokybės tikrinimo įranga
- Kompresoriai
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- Laboratoriniai prietaisai
- Laboratoriniai reagentai ir testai
- Laboratoriniai stiklo ir plastiko gaminiai
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- Lempos
- Lygio nustatymo prietaisai
- Mikroskopai, mikrotomai, poliarimetrai, refraktometrai, spektrometrai, Å¡viesos Å¡altiniai
- Odontologija
- Oftalmologinių kabinetų įranga. Optika. Naktinio matymo prietaisai
- Paviršių matavimo prietaisai
- Poligrafai
- Popierius ir printeriai
- Radiacija. Rentgeno technika
- Santechnika medicininÄ—
- Saugos darbe ir priešgaisrinės priemonės
- Statybinių medžiagų ir dirvos bandymų įranga
- Sterilizacija. dezinfekcija. Valymas
- SvarstyklÄ—s
- Šaldymo įranga
- Å viesos matavimo prietaisai
- Tachometrai
- Temperatūros matavimai
- Triukšmas ie vibracija
- UltragarsinÄ—s diagnostikos prietaisai
- Ultragarsiniai valymo įrenginiai
- Vandens ir skysÄių parametrų matavimo prietaisai
- Veterinarija
- Viskozimetrai