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Nuotrauka Pavadinimas Techn. charakteristikos Kaina
be PVM
Negatoskopas MediCanvas

Facilitates the reading of the x-rays
MEDICanvas uses CCFL technology, which guarantees the emission of an 8600° Kelvin colour temperature that produces a blue light, thereby improving the definition of the X-ray film during consultation.

Reduced eye fatigue
The CCFL system uses a flickering frequency of 40,000 times per second. This method safeguards against any kind of “movement” of the lamp, typical of conventional X-ray view boxes, thereby greatly reducing eye fatigue.

Long life lamp
Thanks to the CCFL technology, the MEDICanvas illumination system lasts approximately 10 years, without requiring any particular type of maintenance. A notable saving in both time and money.

MEDIcanvas design and quality
The MEDICanvas X-ray view boxes are available in 4 different sizes, designed for all kinds of requirements. The most striking feature of these products is that they are extremely slim, varying in thickness from 24mm. to 39mm. The aesthetic impact is stunning and their presence gives the environment an extremely professional look.


Negatoskopas X-ray

X-ray viewing boxes
Pleasant and innovative design

ART. 7085/N: formed from unbreakable material, it features a simple and
rapid mounting device for radiographs. Its design allows it to be used either wall
mounted or on the workbench. Illumination is by means of a flourescent lamp (6500°
K) fitted to an unbreakable opaline diffuser.
Art. 7086N2: painted steel structure and stainless steel profiles model.
Fluorescent cold light (6.500°K). Unbreakable white monochromatic diffuser
 with supporting device.


Rankinis nuotraukų ryškinimo aparatas Ray

The RAY model dark room is a device designed for the manual development of small-size films.

Ray is a practical, attractive, ergonomic device specifically designed for ease of use. Thanks to its special shape, it can be conveniently placed against a wall, taking up very little space.
Its large window permits a wide field of vision and the compartments for the hands have been designed at an angle that enables natural movement.

Ray is supplied, equipped with:
1 container-holding support;
4 containers for liquids (developing-washing-fixing-washing);
2 X-ray film holding tweezers


KEGON vakuminis atsiurbÄ—jas

KEGON   vakuminis  atsiurbÄ—jas

Anestetikų ir skysčių pašildymo aparatas Sphera

Heating anesthetics and solutions for irrigations improves the patient’s treatment and comfort, reducing pains and unpleasant sensations.
Tecno-Gaz has realized SPHERA a double temperature device, electronically controlled with microprocessor and visual signals.
SPHERA is equipped with a double heating:
• 37°C for anesthetics or solutions for irrigation
• 55°C for composites
Warmed composites are more mouldable and improve the performances of photo polymerization.
SPHERA is realized with 4 housings for syringes, 1 housing for composites, 2 housings for tips.


Alignato maišytuvas Algimix

Tecno-Gaz presents the new system ALGIMIX a new and exclusive device ideal and indispensable for every dentist’s surgery.
Mixer has a special patented accelerator built on the mixing bowl cap, that assures an excellent result.
The alginate is mixed quickly and constantly, this procedure consents to avoid air bubbles and brings the product uniform, harmonious and with a
perfect viscosity.
You will have impressions with a surface smooth like the glass, the reproductions of plaster moulds and reconstructions will be perfect.

ALGIMIX assures many advantages:
• constant repetitiveness of the result, eliminating any human component
• simple and clean process
• you will increase the quality of the process
• you will save time
• you will reduce the waste of alginate

• simple
• silent
• programmable for every alginate
• rich of accessories


Helio lempa B-Max

B-Max is a led high tech curing light, light, easy to handle, wireless.
B-Max exploits the new led technology, this ensures a focused, cold and with low infrared outlet high light emission with 450/480 nm spectrum.
B-Max ensures a light emission with 1600mW power.
B-Max includes a wireless handpiece with a wide colour display, long lasting lithium battery, easy to move.
Control panel for time setting, program setting, start of cycle.
B-Max has 6 programs that can be selected with different power, B-Max is supplied with shaped support with built-in battery charger and led indicator.


Helio lempa Focus

Focus is:
• Supplied with autoclavable guide-cap.
• The operator can use it with desired intensity and set the curing time.

FOCUS is an innovative curing lamp that has exclusive solutions to make the use and the sterilisation easier.
“The quality of light is different”
Focus has a special lens that ensure a quick and complete cure of composites the tooth structure.
Focus is a new conception ergonomic and simple to use polymerizing lamp.
It can be sterilized in the autoclave
It prevents cross infections and guarantees fast and effective polymerization.

Guide-cap is easy to be changed to another one.
3 pieces of Guide-cap is included in the package.
For convenience, sterilize the Guide-cap before use.

330’’Head twist
330’head twist makes easy to cure anywhere inside of mouth.

Angled handpiece
Applied angled hanpiecetype makes convenience up to use.

LCD screen
LCD screen indicates condition and state of device more easily to user.

Acoustic melody
Various melodies make user’s directive judgement to prevent misuse.

Interchangeable Battery
• Easy-to-Change battery
• Enough battery capacity
• Rechargeable battery alone

Various curing mode
• Quick polymerizing with high intensity
• Safety polymerizing with low intensity
• Special mode to avoid contraction and shrinkage
• Special mode to avoid contraction and shrinkage

Selectable light intensity and time as user want.

